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          CAI FS

              CUI FS


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                                  Table Of Contents


                                  The CommonUserInterface, or CUI, provides a Web interface to the EBR information network.

                                  The CUI is available as a Java Servlet web application. It is available to download and install locally for EbrPartners that wish to offer the service to a set of customers.


                                  • a network / systems administrator to install the application. Familiarity with the installation of Java™ Servlets would be highly beneficial.
                                  • if modifications to the CUI are to be made, a developer with XML/XSLT/HTML skills is desirable
                                  • a computer system connected to the Internet (with specific ports open to the EBR network) capable of running Java™ 1.4.X
                                  • a valid and operational EBR Core Software LD/ND Node. The CUI communicates with the EBR network entirely by sending EBR MIME messages via the LD/ND Node.
                                  • a Java™ Servlet container that meets the Sun Java™ Servlet Specification level 2.3. A comprehensive list of leading Java™ Servlet containers can be found here
                                  • a relational database management system and corresponding Java™ JDBC driver


                                  TIP - NOTE: This section assumes you are using Apache Tomcat v4.1.18. If you are using a different Java™ Servlet container then the installation may differ.

                                  * Download and install the Java™ Servlet container. Information on installing the Apache Tomcat container can be found at http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/index.html

                                  • Download the CUI distribution from the AdminSite. It is packaged as a Zip file and will have a filename of the form cui_VX_XXX.zip, where the X's are the current version.
                                  • Extract the CUI distribution into a convenient location, such that it can be accessed by your servlet container. For the purposes of the remainder of this document, this folder shall be referred to as $CUI_HOME. If successfully extracted the $CUI_HOME directory should contain the following:

                                  cui.war The CUI web application
                                  config Configuration files
                                  docs Associated documentation
                                  logs Log files


                                  After InstallingTheCui the next step is to ensure that the CUI application is correctly configured. Please follow the listed steps:

                                  Edit Configuration File

                                  The distribution depends on a configuration file which can be found at $CUI_HOME/config/cuiconfig.xml. This is used to configure how the key aspects of the system function, from the available languages to how to display prices to the end user.

                                  Edit the configuration file ($CUI_HOME/config/cuiconfig.xml) to suit your installation requirements. The template xml document supplied should contain enough information to guide you through the process. If you need to start again, a sample config file can be found at $CUI_HOME/docs/samples/cuiconfig.xml.

                                  Register The Servlet

                                  For the CUI to run correctly it must be registered with your servlet container. Please refer to your vendors documentation on how to do this. We will continue to focus on Apache Tomcat.

                                  With Apache Tomcat, we need to edit the servers configuration file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml, where $CATALINA_HOME refers to the installation directory of Apache Tomcat. We must then add a new 'Context' to the localhost Host element. The path attribute specifies the url of the cui relative to the server. The docBase represents the absolute path to the WAR file for the CUI.

                                  You have now created the CUI webapp, although it is not ready to startup yet!

                                  Register Config File

                                  The CUI webapp also needs to know where the CUI config file resides (this is the XML file that we edited earlier). We need to register an Environment Entry for the CUI Context with the name cuiConfigFile, the value of which should be the absolute path to your CUI configuration file.

                                  Apache Tomcat enables us to register an Environment Entry using the Environment tag, so we add this to the Context for the CUI that we created in the previous section. So we now have:

                                  <Host name="localhost" ...>
                                  <Context path="/MyCUIInstallation" docBase="$CUI_HOME/cui.war"/>
                                  <Environment name="cuiConfigFile" type="java.lang.String" 
                                  value="file://$CUI_HOME/config/cuiconfig.xml" override="false"/>

                                  We are very close now!

                                  Register Access Controller

                                  From the CuiMilestoneSix release the CUI and CAI require an additional Environment entry to be present in the Context section of the server.xml file named EbrAccessControllerClass.

                                  <Environment name="EbrAccessControllerClass" type="java.lang.String" value="com.orctel.ebr.network.EbrDefaultAccessController" override="false"/>

                                  This entry points to the class that will be in charge of the CUI/CAI interaction with EBR orders, users and accounts. By default this should be set to to the value shown above. It is only to be altered by advanced countries who want to override the default behaviour, perhaps to hook up their own account system implementation via the AbstractClasses.

                                  ALERT! - WARNING: - this entry must appear. If it is not present the CUI/CAI will not start.

                                  Register JNDI DataSource

                                  ALERT! - WARNING: Make sure the CUI and CAI use the same database resources

                                  The CUI/CAI webapp requires a database in order to operate, however all you as the installer need to do is provide a resource reference. Your servlet container should have detailed information on how to create this.

                                  Apache Tomcat uses a Resource tag to register the object with a name and type so that the server knows how to handle a request for the object. The name must be set to jdbc/ebrusr, the type may be any class implementing the javax.sql.DataSource interface.

                                  The ResourceParams tag is used to configure parameters required for the associated Resource (NOTE: the corresponding name attributes). Here we can configure connection information for the DataSource, and also configure additional information such as the maximum number of connections allowed.

                                  <Host name="localhost" ...>
                                  <Context path="/MyCUIInstallation" docBase="$CUI_HOME/cui.war"/>
                                  <Environment name="cuiConfigFile" type="java.lang.String" value="file://$CUI_HOME/config/cuiconfig.xml" 
                                  <!--  This registers a local database for usage by the CUI.
                                  The resource name must be set to jdbc/ebrusr and 
                                  sufficient information must be given to enable the 
                                  creation of a connection to the database.
                                  <Resource name="jdbc/ebrusr" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
                                  <ResourceParams name="jdbc/ebrusr">
                                  <!-- Class name for mm.mysql JDBC driver -->
                                  <!--   The JDBC connection url for connecting to your MySQL dB.
                                  The autoReconnect=true argument to the url makes sure that the
                                  mm.mysql JDBC Driver will automatically reconnect if mysqld closed the
                                  connection.  mysqld by default closes idle connections after 8 hours.

                                  ALERT! - Please ensure that the driver registered for the datasource can be found on the CLASSPATH for the webapp (in Apache Tomcat this should be placed into $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib. There are no drivers included within the CUI/CAI distribution.

                                  TIP - NOTE: Don't forget to include the 'url' making sure you add the name of the database you intend to install the CUI tables into.

                                  Create CUI Database

                                  Within the CUI distribution you can find a file containing the SQL statements required to create the ebrusr database, this can be found at $CUI_HOME/docs/create_tables.sql. The file contains simple ANSI SQL statements to ensure portability, we advise that this file is edited in order to tune the tables for your database system performance.

                                  Hint: The create_tables.sql attempts to create a database with the name ebrusr. If this clashes with any of your pre-installed applications, then you must change the create database name and update all references to this name in the create_tables.sql file. Don't forget to ensure the DataSource parameter url is updated with the new database name (in your servers configuration file).

                                  Hint: We advise that you change the default users (or at least passwords) that are inserted into the database when you execute the create_tables.sql. This is essential for the CAI user.

                                  ALERT! - WARNING: Do not edit the database, table or column names. If you change any column types, please ensure they will map to the same java.sql.* and javax.sql.* classes.

                                  Most database vendors enable a command line creation of tables using a file containing SQL statements. Please refer to your database documentation for details on how to achieve this. This is an example using MySQL:

                                  mysql -udbusername -p < create_tables.sql

                                  Start the CUI

                                  You are now ready to test your CUI installation.

                                  Restart the container, any errors will result in a Servlet exception being thrown making th CUI webapp unavailable. Check both the server log and CUI log ($CUI_HOME/logs/cui.log) for details.

                                  Common problems, Check:

                                  • Datasource configuration

                                  • Path given for cuiConfigFile environment variable

                                  • File paths in cuiconfig.xml

                                  Otherwise, congratulations! You now have now installed the CUI!

                                  This should be accessible via: http://yourhost:your/ port/MyCUIInstallation.

                                  However, you will now need to create users for the CUI before you can access it. To do this we use the CommonAdminSite (CAI).


                                  The appearance of the CUI can be changed in many ways.

                                  For simple cosmetic changes (e.g. colours, fonts) the CSS file webapps/cui/cui.css may be modified.

                                  For more advanced changes, the XSLT templates themselves can be modified. These are found in webapps/cui/WEB-INF/templates

                                  In this folder, the XSLT (web page generation) templates for each language are defined. A special folder called main contains the full versions of each file. Normally each file in the specific language folders simply import whatever is in the "main" folder. This gives the customiser two options:

                                  (a) modify the file to be changed in main. This will be a global change affecting all templates that reference it.

                                  (b) modifiy the file to be changed inside a local language folder, e.g. you can modify FR/Login.xslt and this will only change the French login screen.

                                  TIP - NOTE: Each language folder has a single lang.xslt file which contains the majority of the display strings used by the CUI (some special ones are in XML table code files). CUI operators are free to change these to their local requirements.


                                  The templates folder of the CommonUserInterface distribution (or inside the cui.war file depending on how the CommonUserInterface is run) contains the pages displayed by the CUI.

                                  By default, there are four folders in the standard distribution of the templates folder. These are main, EN, FR and ZZ.

                                  The main folder contains the master (full) templates for each page in the system. The EN, FR and ZZ folders contain files whose names match those in the main folder but if you inspect the files in these folders you will find they are very short, typically they only consist of a few lines, all they do is to "include" the content of the file located in the main folder.

                                  The EN and FR folders store the English and French versions of the main templates. The ZZ folder is a special "system" folder, it is the language used when "System" is selected from the drop-down language menu on the CUI, it is intended for developer use only and should be disabled prior to production.

                                  Each language folder contains one special file named lang.xslt. This contains the majority of the strings / labels used in the CUI (no language information is hard-coded into the normal templates, they all import the lang.xslt file, meaning there is only one XSLT file to translate for each langauge.)

                                  So, to create a new translation for the CUI, one must follow these steps.

                                  a) copy the EN folder to the language code for the new language, e.g. for Germany, DE

                                  b) translate each label in the file lang.xslt in the DE folder

                                  c) some labels in the CUI are not to be found in the lang.xslt file as they are stored in the normal TableCode format. They are found in the DataLayer folder tables folder of CUI. If a suitable default.xml for your language is not present, a new translated default.xml must be created in a appropriate language / dialect subfolder, e.g. DE/DEU (same system as for normal EBR tables). Labels stored in TableCode format include the EbrNode names, form labels and form errors.

                                  d) Translate the file default.xml located in xxx_NG_yy/tables/1/DEF/EN/EBR/ and add it to the subfolder xxx_NG_yy/tables/1/TRA/language/dialect e.g. ITA_NG_ic/tables/1/TRA/IT/ITA/default.xml for the italian translation.

                                  e) Translate the file default.xml located in EBR/tables/DEF/EN/ENR/ and add it to the subfolder EBR/tables/1/TRA/language/dialect e.g. EBR/tables/DEF/IT/ITA/default.xml

                                  f) configure the CUI to offer the new language. This is done by modifying the cuiconfig.xml file. See the file for details.

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